Natural Health Product (NHP) Licensing Fees - Update

While not every battle merits our attention, this one stands out as an exception.

We urge all professionals within the industry to dedicate a moment of their day to rally behind the Natural Health community in Canada. Learn more about the issue below.

Health Canada's recent proposal to impose licensing fees has raised concerns, particularly among small businesses, who anticipate significant challenges in maintaining their product offerings and long-term viability. The proposed fees create a substantial barrier to entry, leading many American and Canadian companies to redirect their focus toward overseas markets. This shift will result in a scarcity of natural health product (NHP) options for Canadians.

According to the Office of the Auditor General of Canada's article "Report 2-Natural Health Products - Health Canada", a 2010 public opinion poll revealed that 70% of Canadians rely on a variety of NHPs to enhance their well-being. The introduction of exceptionally high product and site licensing fees stands to substantially reduce the availability of these products in Canada. This, in consequence, might drive an elevated dependence on importing non-licensed foreign products for personal use or resorting to prescription medications, which frequently entail a higher risk of adverse effects when compared to NHPs.

Furthermore, it's important to recognize that consumers are likely to bear the brunt of these changes. The proposed licensing and right-to-sell fees will ultimately be absorbed by businesses, resulting in higher prices for consumers. In summary, these exorbitant licensing fees are poised to achieve several undesirable outcomes: forcing small businesses out the NHP industry, diminishing product diversity, stifling innovation within the sector, and compelling consumers to either pay a premium for the remaining NHPs, resort to unlicensed NHPs, or turn to prescription medications.

Lastly, it's important to note that the proposed licensing fees do not alter the existing regulations governing these products. Canada has consistently been at the forefront of ensuring the safety of NHPs through its current regulatory framework.

Considering the wide-ranging consequences that the impending licensing fees may bring, we strongly encourage you and your network to reach out to your local Member of Parliament (MP). You can effortlessly identify your MP and send them a pre-drafted letter by visiting, requesting their unwavering focus on this urgent matter.

In the words of Margaret Mead, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."

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